

News Articles

Frisian mayor pays homage to fallen native son

Emigrant joined Canadian Army

Tags: Excerpts from the Windmill

JOURE, the Netherlands - A recent gesture by the mayor of the Frisian municipality of Skarsterlân has earned gratitude from the Canadian relatives of 1930s Dutch immigrant Geale Visser. On May 4, when the Netherlands remembers its war dead, Mayor G.J. Kuiper placed a wreath on Visser’s grave.

The Vissers emigrated to Canada in the 1930s. In 1940, Geale joined the Canadian Army and later fought in the campaigns in Europe. Visser died in battle in Germany. A Friesch Dagblad reporter made Mayor Kuiper aware of Visser’s grave.

The homage paid to her brother came to the attention of one of Visser’s sisters, Jennie, who lives in Canada. She in turn sent a note of her thanks to Kuiper.